I am delighted to finally show off my new sample albums! They arrived this week and I couldn’t be more thrilled with them. These are beautifully handcrafted flush- mount albums. They have lovely thick pages, lay open down the middle so that images can go across both pages, and the printed images are amazingly clear and beautiful. (Put it this way: I am used to seeing my work in print in all sizes, and even I am impressed with the print quality.)
If there is one thing I think is undervalued in the wedding industry right now, it’s albums. I completely believe in being able to have the digital files from your wedding- it was one of my priorities when I was looking for a photographer, too. But as valuable as they are, digital images simply aren’t a replacement for holding the photographs in your hand. I’m curious if past brides would know offhand where they stored their images on their computers, if I asked them. Or if they’d made backup copies, in case the computer or USB fails. Or if they have printed even half of the prints that they had wanted to- I’m a photographer and I can never seem to remember to make personal prints for myself. Believe me, I understand.
In comparison, having these books- heavy, substantial, bound well and printed beautifully- is such a great reminder. You can’t pick one of these up without being drawn to look through it, and the memories it holds are invaluable.
A few notes about the design process, and what’s pictured below. There are two cover options for the books: Japanese silk with a cameo image (shown below in aqua), or leather with embossed names (shown in bitterwsweet nabuk.) I love them both- the silk looks modern and fresh and the leather is plush and gorgeous. I custom design each album to tell show the narrative of the wedding day- it features about 75-100 images, and they are very carefully chosen to show the ambiance & the moments & the emotions and capture the true feeling of the day from beginning to end.
If you’re considering whether or not to invest in a wedding album, I will be bringing these to all of my consultations, and holding them in your hands makes a surprising amount of difference. Feel free to get in touch if you’d like to see them in person.
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